Our Global Bee Hiving Initiative

Utopia Prevailia’s Amazon Global Green Build Crew manages over two million beehives around the world. We are working to create at least 3 million more beehives for a total of over 5 million beehives. These hives, full of pollinating honey bees, play an essential role in nature and the food system. Pollinators are animals that move pollen from the male part of a flower to the female part, which is necessary for the plant to become fertilized and produce fruit, seeds, and young plants. Pollinators include bees, butterflies, birds, bats, beetles, moths, and other small mammals.

Bees near a human made beehive

These beehives are not only making honey which we harvest by only what the bees can spare, the hives are also host to honeybees which pollinate flowers and help plants reproduce.

Although local raw honey isn’t suitable for babies and infants under 1 year old, local raw honey can have a significant positive effect on the immune systems of people who consume it.

In 2008, bee populations were at a low point after careless use of poorly made insecticides. Utopia Prevailia only believes in organic farming that doesn’t use pesticides or herbicides. We need bees to be alive and well for a happy, healthy food system and planet. Utopia Prevailia is committed to continuing our bee hiving operations with our subsidiary Amazon’s Global Green Build Team, with support from Utopia Prevailia’s subsidiary TAAT Life Collaborative. This will help us ensure healthy, thriving ecosystems around the world. This will also help us prevent food shortages along with other initiatives related to Utopia Prevailia’s Project Organic Food Access.

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